Tungsten carbide seals with good wearable resistance, great anti-bend strength, high thermal conductivity, small co-efficient of expansion, they have a very wide range of applications. Tungsten carbide seals also have the highest co-efficient of heat shock among all the hard surface material.
Tungsten carbide seals come in two primary types:
Cobalt bound (Ammonia applications should be avoided)
Nickel bound (May be used in Ammonia)
Typically 6% binder materials are used in mechanical seals, although a wide range is available. Nickel-bonded tungsten carbide seals are more prevalent in the wastewater pump market due to their improved corrosion resistance compared with cobalt bound materials
If you have any inquires concerning the tungsten carbide products, please do not hesitate to e-mail us by: sales@chinatungsten.com